
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Fussy Cutter Hexie Pincushions

I love seeing friends come out with awesome books, especially if it involves fussy cutting. I've always been a fan of cutting particular pieces of fabric with little cats or dogs or bunnies on them to highlight special images in my projects. Angie Wilson from Gnome Angel created an entire book "Fussy Cutters Club - A Bootcamp for Mastering Fabric Play" all for the love of fussy cutting.

There are 14 projects and I decided to make the "Hexy Pin-Up Pincushions". The largest pink one below is the actual size that is in Angie's book. Isn't it so cute?

Since I don't have any pincushions, I decided to play with my printer settings to make one at 75% and one at 50% too. Here's my whole stack, some still need a few more hexies to be attached to some of the other itty bitty cushions.

They were all so fun to make and I love Regina's little bunnies and cats and love how they look on the pincushions. Now I just have to be sure I don't poke them with pins.

If you haven't tried fussy cutting yet, and are not sure where to start, Angie's book is a great place to jump off from. She provides all the tools and tricks of the trade in one well packaged bundle. Even a Fussy Cutters Manifesto!

Want to see what everyone else on Angie's book tour is making? Check them out below:
Want to win a copy of Angie's Fussy Cutters Club book? Check out this photo on my Kid Giddy Instagram account and enter for your chance to win. Please be sure to sign up for my emails to get info about new foundations paper piecing patterns, new Sizzix dies, future sales or coupons and other fun stuff.