
Monday, November 4, 2013

Sewing Tales Book Blog Hop: Day 1 and A Baby Gnome

Good morning everyone.

I'm so excited to start off this Sewing Tales Book Blog Hop that will be going on all week long. Each day this week, I will post a link of the 4 bloggers participating in that days hop, so you can see what they made. I will also be giving my readers a bonus project each day to make, that didn't fit in the book because it was already jam packed with goodness (today's "baby" project is below).

I sought out 20 awesome bloggers from the world wide web to get a peek into my book, create a project and maybe even write a story (as was done in the book), or just simply have fun with it. We have 18 folks from the United States, 2 from the UK and 2 from Australia. Some of the bloggers have chosen to offer a giveaway as part of their post, be sure to check them all out. Today's bloggers include:

I also sought out some amazing product to send these folks, because I had no way of knowing what tools they would have and what they wouldn't have. I wanted to make sure that each person would have the tools they needed to make their project most successful. If you come into my studio or catch me off at Quilt Market - you'll find many of these tools on my tables or with me in my little pouch. I rarely leave home without them (unless they are too big, in which case they have to stay home alone). Please see the sponsors and their links by clicking the graphic below which will take you to my post from Saturday - these really are just a few of my favorite things.
Speaking of Quilt Market {again}...if you were there, you just might have seen me toting around a little Baby Gnome (in pic above) on my quilt market ID lanyard. In true baby fashion - this little one got lots of "oohs and aahs". Make your own baby gnome, or twin gnomes, maybe even triplets with today's Sewing Tales Book Bonus project.

It is very small and can be tricky with it's tiny seam allowance, but it's oh so cute for that young gnome that can't wait to be a mommy or daddy some day. You could even tie a loop to the top and hang it on the tree for baby's first Christmas?! This pattern is for home and personal use only. Please do not copy, alter or otherwise distribute. Click on the image below to get to the PDF on google docs.

Thank you to the bloggers and sponsors for all of your love and support.

Thank you for coming by today, and for your love and support as well. Make sure you stop in tomorrow for 4 new bloggers and another fun Sewing Tales Book Bonus project! If you haven't already, please click that link below and sign up to receive my newsletters. Have a great Monday.

Enter for your chance to win a copy of my book and a goodie box the size of Texas to go with it on my giveaway post! Giveaway ends November 14th.


  1. This looks like my kind of book. Can't wait to get hold of a copy. Thanks so much for having a bloghop - I love hearing what others think before I spend my money, but this book looks like a brilliant book so I guess I pushing it to the top of my santa list.

  2. @Mhairi

    Hi Mhairi, Thanks so much for your interest in my book. You can see many of the pages on the Amazon preview to get an idea of what's inside. I certainly hope Santa places it under your tree this Christmas! Best wishes for a stitching fun holiday season! kg

  3. I LOVE this book... I want to make these adorable projects!

  4. I just saw the post date and was wondering if there were any books still available, I missed it again! I have been looking around your site and love your ideas, so hopefully I am not too late.

  5. @The Classic Sempstress

    Hi CS - I have books available in my etsy shop -

    Thanks so much! kg
