I was working today on this new end the thumbsucking chart for any of you that have a thumbsucker in your home...and wanted to share it in a post, with some information even though it will have a little home on the right side of my blog for a while!
My girls were huge thumbsuckers...and yep - they got it from me! Here's the whole story, as one would find on my thumb guard listings on Etsy.
My older daughter Monkey started sucking her thumb at 8 1/2 months old. My younger daughter Elephant began at 4 1/2 months old. They have been sucking their thumbs ever since. Not a day went by or a moment, when their thumbs were not in their mouths! I feel your pain, it's a hard habit to break, and I know that first hand! (no pun intended!)
Since I have my own sewing business - I finally came up with a reversible thumb cover that they were willing to wear when they were ready to stop sucking their thumb. They struggled to be ready, but the day finally came.
The rule was to wear their thumb cover from 6pm to 6pm. If they did (without complaining and trying to renegotiate) they would get a "reward" from our little treasure chest. It was a little box filled with items from a party store,the dollar store or other dollar spots.
Some nights were hard, but since they couldn't take their thumb covers off by themselves, they stopped complaining and even stopped thinking about it. It became so comfortable to wear, they often forgot they were wearing it. I helped them take it off for washing hands and eating, but then we put them back on. They also charted their progress on a monthly chart with a sticker for each day that was successful, and an "x" for the hard days. They have both been thumb free since last year when they finished their 3rd month chart!!!

Some experts recommend starting the process with night time only. Once that is mastered, then do day time. But I say do what is right for you and your child. So if you need a thumb sucking guard, please contact me. And in the mean time, download a FREE copy of this "Two thumbs up for Me" chart to help your child stop today! I have left room at the top for your childs name, and at the bottom - so the child can decorate it or you the parents can help write goals or decide a special reward for making the said goal. If they don't suck their thumb all day (night to night) - they color in the hand - or put a sticker over it! Every kids LOVES stickers! If they suck their thumb - it is an "X". We allowed 3 "X" days out of 31 for the first month. 1 "X" day out of 31 for the second month and 0 "X" days for the 3rd and final month. This allowed them to have "oops" days and not feel horrible about it! Please understand, every child is different. Some might quit in a week and never put up a struggle, some may take much longer than mine did. The best thing I found that I could do was be patient and loving as they fought their own battle.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions! I'm not an expert, but I have the experience from both sides! Have a great night! kg