Have you heard about the Caron United Yarnspirations World's Biggest Stocking project? My mom made eight 36" squares prior to my Granny's Inurnment at Arlington National Cemetery this past June. My Grandpop was inurned there as well, after his many years of dedicated service as a Major in the United States Marine Corps. He never went a day without wearing his Marine Corps lapel pin with pride even after his retirement. To honor my Grandpop (her dad), and my Uncle (her brother), my mom made a red/gold United States Marine Corps color coded square, as well as three camoflauge colored squares. The other four squares she made using Christmas colors, red, green and white (my Granny loved Christmas).

I wanted to share these pics from my mom, and this awesome project in the hopes of encouraging more submissions, not only from myself and my daughters - but to anyone reading this (and simply because she asked me to, for a good cause). When they have received enough squares, all of the mini blankets will be stitched together, photographed as the largest stocking, and then disassembled as blankets for the children of Fallen Patriots.

For more information on the Fallen Patriot Foundation, you can visit their website as well.
(This is not a sponsored post, I have not been paid to say this, and there are no affiliate links).