When working with any paper piecing project that has numerous pieces, color code the pieces to keep things straight while sewing. It's even better if you color code it so the colors match the fabrics you are using.

Sometimes it's really easy to line every piece up. Below you can see the straight edge lines up in the front, to the line behind it, and the angle on the right lines up too.
When they don't line up visually, I use a pin to connect the point on the front to the point on the back.
This is the back side.
It also works for joining points.
The pin should meet with both points.
When it's all done, the majority of your points will line up. Somehow I still had 2 a little off in my center square, not sure how or why - but it happens. And it's ok. I'll enjoy all of the others that did line up. The more you work at it, the easier it gets.
Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you learned a few tricks to put your paper piecing blocks together. If you want to check out my other Farmer's Wife block post, you can check out Malvina here. Sign up below for my emails to get info about new patterns, new dies, future sales and other fun stuff. The first one is coming soon...don't miss out on the first bit of giddy goodness and find me @kidgiddy on Instagram for all my daily happenings.
If you want to join in on the fun, you can find Angie's Malvina tutorial on her website Gnome Angel, as well as grainline tips from Marti on her blog. You can get the book and all your fabric needs from The Fat Quarter Shop (Angie got to put together a big Farmer's Wife fabric bundle just for this sew along), and the Marti Michell templates from Marti's website!
Disclaimer: Because I am a blogger in this quilt-a-long, I graciously received a copy of the Farmer's Wife book and gift card from the Fat Quarter shop (yes I picked up more Cotton and Steel fabrics for my quilt) as well as a full set of templates from Marti Michell. The links above are not affiliate links - because my state won't allow that. The opinions as always, as well as the tutorial and photos, are all my own.