Well - we've introduced The Mug Club pattern (part 1) Instagram - but felt I should officially introduce it here on my website. My sister @MossAndLotus and I are closing in on finishing the mugs for Part 2 as well as some of her really fun extras - but in the meantime, here is part 1.
This Mug Club is our first collaborative pattern set and certainly not our last. I designed these paper pieced mugs using the Electric Quilt Company EQ7 program. The mugs are offered in two different sized blocks (6" x 6", 10" x 10"). There are two PDF's to keep all of the pieces in order, however you get both sizes to download as you wish. The Mug Club Part 1 mugs are available in my Kid Giddy Etsy shop.
The Mug Club Part 1 includes 6 mug blocks and 5 different Levels:
Level 1: The Boot Camp mug - this is the beginner mug being that it is all one section, think boot camp paper piecing 101 (it allows anyone new to paper piecing to join in the fun and grow in confidence).
Level 2: The Paper Love Mug - Almost as simple as the boot camp mug, but the handle becomes a little more detailed and now there are multiple sections.
Level 3 - The Vardagen Mug - based on one of the first mugs I ever owned in my home after getting married, I've called it "the everyday" mug. I've increased the level here because the base of the mug also becomes a little more detailed.
Level 3 - The Kawaii Mug - the cutest one of the bunch.
Level 4 - The Tupper Mug - a throw back from my earlier life and an homage to the must have of the 70's (has the most sections other than bonus block).
Level 5 - The Daddy Mug (has two Y seams) and is therefore the hardest block in the club - check out the pics below for a little help on these silly Y seams....
Once you've sewn C1, C2, and C3 -sew C4 and C5 on too.
Tuck the top corner under and fold or press to line up with the pattern line.
Using a window or other light source, make sure your fabric is folded properly to line up with the line between C2 and C5 or C3 and C4. Once it's folded where it needs to be, glue baste it in place so both fabric pieces stay together where they need to be. Unfold and sew your y seam accordingly. In this instance, you can even sew it from the fabric side if you want to keep an eye on the actual fabric. If you can't get the hang of it - it's ok. The best trick I've come up with is to fold it in place and leave it be until you'd torn all the paper off. Then you can go back and sew it by hand with a hidden stitch.
There is also a really fun bonus mug - The Kermy Mug block. You could say I became mildy obsessed with Kermit the Frog when I was in HS and college and had to add this one to the bunch! The really fun thing...it can easily look like two other childhood characters too by simply using either blue or red fabrics. A sweet 3 in 1 deal.
What's even more fun than that? Once you've downloaded your patterns - you can head over to @MossAndLotus IG pic and claim your Mug Club number assignment! This will allow you to post all of your pics to the "club" using #TheMugClub, but then you can see all of your own mugs (and we can too if you don't have a private account) using your special number. Mine is #TheMugClub1, Sue is #TheMugClub2...and so on.
We will have more exciting things to come for all of our mug club members - and more Mug Club mugs too when Part 2 is released. Are you a member yet? For those of you that are...we appreciate your support more than you know! For anyone on the fence...or shall I say in the doorway...come on in! We'd love to have you join us!

Disclaimer: This blog may accept forms of compensation, including cash and product, and although I may be paid for this post all opinions of the Electric Quilt Company and EQ7 are always my own. There are no affiliate links.