I'm taking a lunch break. Not a long one - just enough of a break to get my head in the game, and wait for my raman noodles to cool off enough to inhale them. Then it's back to work. And yes - I said Raman. I think Raman noodles get a really bad wrap sometimes - but when I feel a cold coming on, they are really the only thing my body craves!
This is Monkey at about 1 1/2yrs old! with her favorite Dolly and the cutest Jacket I ever got her! |
I've been working crazy hours and get to break the news in just a few weeks!!! The madness is coming to an end for a bit and I'm so grateful and so are my daughter's. I've gotten a lot of the "Mommy - you don't play with us at all"...more often than I care to recount...but they are right. It's been way to long. My oldest is turning 8 tomorrow and I feel so unprepared. So tonight - I will as usual (since I'm SO not a party planner) - run around frantic when she's sleeping - doing all I have to do! This usually consists of 1) blowing up ballons to leave in her bedroom (this allows her to wake up and instantly know it's her special day), 2) decorate her chair at the table - so she's the "queen for a day"...and 3) wrap the presents!
My Raman noodles are almost gone...I guess I don't type so fast while I'm trying to inhale! lol!
My last random thought is that it's almost spring. I know the date - technically it is spring...but it still doesn't FEEL like spring here in Maine! I'm looking forward to planting a million various tomato plants and some sugar snap peas...and hopefully the deer won't eat them all again! Yeah for sunshine!!!
I'm grateful to all of you - my readers. I know I'm not the most consistent blogger - but there are very good things to come in the future, which has taken all my time an energy! And as soon as I can tell you...I will!
Thanks for coming by and reading! Have a wonderful day!