A few weeks ago I was digging through some of my old "memory" boxes trying to find something I wanted to show my girls and happened upon my childhood sticker book, my old journal calendar, and a notebook I shared back and forth between my high school friend Sarah (everyday)! They were so excited to see these treasures from my childhood and younger years and so was I!
During this time of the new year, I try really hard to get back into the swing of journaling and being better about it, but I often overlook the value of it, and feel too overwhlemed by my to-do list. It almost always falls to the bottom of the list. I forget that it really can be so simple, and I'm grateful for these reminders of having "captured the moment".
I'm reminded that journaling doesn't have to be a huge scrapbook, or a long old school, handwritten novel to write everyday. It can be so much more simple. I found it so easy to write my daily doings on my calendar and love that I remember doing those things and drawing those wave doodles. I love reading this notebook between my best friend, and reading what our cares and worries were, and who we had a serious crush on! (lol!). I love that everytime we traded it back and forth, we added a really cool or funny sticker.
I'm going to do the sticker book with my girls. I will have them add a
sticker on their journal every time they write in it! And hopefully at
the end of the year, I will say that we went through a ton of stickers!
I hope this new year will bring so much joy and happiness into your
lives. And I hope that we might all find just a little bit of time to
capture these moments, so in 20 years we can look back with a little
more clarity. Happy journaling!

love that you kept your old calendar! that is a journal in itself!
Where is your hop forward button for this blog hop?
Thanks Michelle - I was in a rush to get the post up and forgot the blog hop link!
What a great idea! I love it!
Wow! Your girls are going to treasure this sticker books!!!
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