As I was prepping the photos for this Studio Series Part 3 post, I began to realize that it was spring then too. The sun was coming out more, the skies were bright blue most of the time, and the air was much warmer. I can still hear the hammers, the plastic walls, and the guys shouting out numbers for cutting the next piece they would need. If this is the first you are coming upon my Kid Giddy Studio series - you can check out
Studio Part 1, and
Studio Part 2.
The computer room walls were coming down soon so we had to do a massive overhaul of the stuff I had stashed in there. Basically it was a room full of business stuff - memory boxes and family history stuff...oh and all the other "home office" stuff a family accumulates. It was crazy - it took me many days/ weeks. Just looking at it is exhausting!

Now let's talk about the honest craft room! This was after about 3 massive changes. The desk with the computer on it - was once my sewing desk. When our bedroom was being dormered we actually moved our bed into this room! The desk with the sewing machine on it - was once downstairs in the computer room and moved up after that pic above was taken. The cutting table was folded down a bit, and moved to a wall to the right of the frame. The bed went under the window and against the wall. Not very comfy - but with an attitude of gratitude and realizing people live in cramped quarters on a regular basis - we didn't complain. That lasted about 2 months. This was the set up after those 2 months - and chaos resumed. Luckily I was done with the book - no more writing, sewing, or editing for it. I tried working on some other projects but I couldn't find half my stuff. Oh well.

Our daughters were so excited when I told them this would be the one and only time I'd let them purposely put a hole in the wall. They quickly grabbed the safety glasses and hammers and got to work. Family Fun magazine shared my picture from my fb page on their facebook page - that was pretty cool. At first - they tapped the wall. I don't think they even dented it. lol. They had such a blast - but I was getting nervous as they pulled the hammer back towards their faces - so we called it quits for a bit on that. Happy to say no one got hurt, all was well.

Outside the guys happily take a break - but unknowingly become a part of my blog post while I catch them eating lunch. They questioned my incessant photographing in the beginning - but they got used to it pretty quick and even smiled or posed. Love this candid though of Paul (left), Ed (center) and Darold (right). I even remember the conversation - Ed went to get them lunch and brought back only one dessert. It didn't go over so well. This is the new doorway for the entryway (what used to be called the breezeway). It's nice to have covering overhead when it's raining to unlock the door.
Up in the studio - things were getting done.
Brandon the electrician was running through the house, studio and basement running wires up through the walls. Light cans, outlets, switches - check.
I tried to get the girls pic in this same spot - so here they're just chilling with a hang loose and peace.
The studio was then sprayed with a beautiful shade of sea green insulation foam. That stuff is amazing. I might have to get me a can.
This is a picture of the cozy away room looking towards the front of the house (and temp studio stairs). The pink insulation was once the outside wall of the computer room that is coming down, and the old window too.
This used to be a long skinny and dark hallway between the computer room and the laundry room (doors on the right). Once the beams were installed - it was pure happiness and total brightness.
Once in a while - we spoiled the guys with awesome treats. I think the cupcakes were from my daughters birthday celebration at school - but we purposely made extras so they could have some too. The girls just liked to leave them "sweet" notes (pun intended). I can't help but laugh every time I see this one.
This special little door was a huge source of jokes throughout the renovations. I was originally calling it a fairy door - but Paul and Darold said it would be cooler if it was a "hobbit" door. lol. It was alays a topic of conversation. I still can't believe my husband let me keep a little hole in the wall for a fairy door (like the ones in Ann Arbor Michigan). I've kept it a secret for a long time - but glad to finally share it.
The drywall was put up and the studio was mudded. The wood flooring was brought in, and the ladder was left behind. I saw the A. My husband said we just needed our new barn door for the cozy away room - so it would be A-Z. I reminded him we still had the little barn door that used to be up above the garage doors. It was perfect. We kept the door. Still not sure what to do with it - but I couldn't let them toss it. One day I will figure it out.
Here are the girls getting ready to leave for karate class - but took a moment to show that we now have doors on the studio closet...The left doors are half size so it wouldn't interfere with the huge cutting table that would be right in front of it.
The doors were removed so they could be painted white - but the flooring was done so we captured that moment too.
If you are going through renovations - capture it all. It's so much fun to see all these pictures. I'm grateful to know we got through all this craziness. I don't miss the noise and dust - we create enough of that on our own - but I do miss the guys. They were a barrel of fun. Next week the staircase in the entryway goes up. Fun times!