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So - without further adieu, here are the ingredients you will need:
1 can - Cherry pie filling (usually only comes as 24oz)
2/3 can of Sweetened Condensed Milk (usually only comes as 14 oz) (I use it all!)
1 can of Crushed Pineapple (usually only comes as 8 oz)
2/3 bag Mini Marshmallows
1 cup Chopped Pecans (optional)
16-24oz Cool Whip (personal preference richer flavor or stretch for more people)
You will need a large mixing Bowl and a spoon and a spatula (both for licking clean when finished)!
First, completely drain the crushed pineapple. I've tried this a few ways. The best way I have found is using a small wire mesh strainer and a spatula and pushing all the juice into a cup or bowl (to drink or discard). The more juice you drain the better or else it will cause separation. (Of course if you have Pineapple allergies - you can omit this ingredient too!)
Next combine all the ingredients except the cool whip and the cherry pie filling. Make sure to mix well. Then fold in the cherry pie filling and then fold in the Cool Whip. I say fold, because you don't want to crush all the cherries, and you don't want to flatten the cool whip.
The best way to eat it is to let it sit overnight.
Thanks! Kerry
ps...A very good friend of mine is very much Gluten free and LOVES this stuff. So if you are Gluten free too, and you check all your ingredients, enjoy!
Hello Pinterest lovers! I wanted to give a little shout out and say thank you for all the comments and love and pins...this post is currently at 450K + pins and I'm in shock! I've seen a lot of new blog posts popping up around the internet with this recipe and variations of it. Please be sure you are not copying my recipe and posting it as your own. I know it's not "original" but as seen in the comments below - you can tell we all have the ratios a bit different from how we grew up with it since the late 70's. If you'd like to share the recipe on your site - please only provide the link and not the recipe.
Thank you again for all the love! Please visit some of my other commonly pinned sewing tutorials - the Modular Star, Flower Pins, Mini Tent, Grass Picnic Blanket and the Scrappy Owl. Come chat with me on Facebook and see a little bit of my world through Instagram!
I am that Amy who is the gluten friend. I love this so much that I don't like to share it.... but I do because that's what Kerry did for me! Make sure you serve it WITH the meal... it looks and tastes like dessert but I am told NEVER serve it that way.
Have you tried a different kind of pie filling like strawberry or blueberry???
Hi Mirnamontes - I actually have not tried any other flavors. Although I like strawberry and blueberry - I prefer cherry pie filling! I love cherries!
We served this with our holiday meals too! Cool to see an old family recipe that was also someone else's dinner delight!
A friend of mine gave me a similar recipe that had coconut in it, unfortunately my family didn't like the coconut. I'll try this one this week for Easter!
I've made this numerous times before seeing this post. I do add the nuts and it's so yummy. People do feel it's more dessert than salad, but I have always served it as a "salad".
I've made this for ages and ages... only difference is no marshmallows, 12 oz Cool Whip, and we've always called it Pink Salad. When I mention it, people ask "What's that?" and I say "Delicious." =D
I always halve the cherries too, for smaller parts and to check for pits.
So addicting. I am required to make it anytime a certain friend visits.
I am so trying this for my family!!!!
This looks wonderful. Am making it this week for brunch I'm having. Thanks for the recipe. Lovely looking salad. Think I will put it in a clear bowl. :o)
I also am always in charge of the holiday fruit salad. It has been tweaked in last few years to whip the cool whip with a softened block of cream cheese and 1 cup of powdered sugar. Who doesn't love those two extra ingredients?! Thanks for sharing I can't wait to try it!
Thank you for posting. This is so delicious. I made it for the first time today. I did add a cup of coconut flakes and it is delectable!
I have made this for friend named it Pink Stuff and that is what everyone has started calling it.
Just finished making this. Had to taste it before putting it in the fridge. This is delicious. Thank you for posting this recipe. I will be making this again!
I love this!!!! I don't add marshmallows but otherwise the same!!!!! We call it pink stuff
We make something very similar to this only we call it Jello fluff. We also eat it as part of our dinner and guests always seem a bit confused lol. My aunt has pineapple allergies so we'll have to try your cherry salad since with ours you can't take the pineapple out.
Heres our recipe:
1 can mandarin oranges-drained
1 can crushed pineapple-drained
1 package of jello, we usually do orange
1 container of cottage cheese
1 tub cool whip
Mix pineapple, half the mandarin oranges, cottge chesse and package of jello. Fold in cool whip and top with remaining mardrin oranges. Refridgerate till chilled through, usully 3 hrs. This is best made the morning of an event as oppossed to the day before. So yummy!
We had this growing up as well! We called it Cerry Flip Salad! I havent made it in years but you bet I will this year! Thanks!
My mom has made this for years. We ALWAYS have it frozen, and it is just like ice cream. I have tried it with strawberry pie filling and it was just as good as the cherry.
Sounds great but I don't like cherries. Can you use another filling or fruit? Thanks!
Hi everyone thanks for all the recent comments! I can't believe you all are finding me via pinterest! That's so awesome!
I love it like ice cream but have a hard time chewing it with my sensitive teeth. It's too cold to chew!
I have never tried another fruit - I feel it would be sinful to do that - however...seeing as how - others have at least tried Strawberry (fresh or pie filling) I may have to give it a go!
Talk to you all soon! - Thanks again - kg
My friends dubbed this "Pink Fluffy Death" after consuming a large amount after a big meal. I use pineapple tidbits, leave out the nuts and add small a can of mandarin oranges.
I wonder how long this is good after freezing. This would be cool to whip up as a part of a meal to go along with freeze ahead meals.
This has been a family Thanksgiving treat for us for years as well. We use Dark Sweet Cherries (instead of the pie filling cherries) - they are in liquid instead of the thick gel that you find with pie filling but you need to pull all the liquid off just like you do the pineapple. We call ours Bing Cherry Salad.
YUMMY. We love it , growing up my mom use to call it Cherry
This sounds like something my husband would I'm definitely gonna try it! Thanks for posting. :)
just made this for a dinner party tomorrow night! I did alter it a little. I used chopped pistachios and almonds instead and added a package of vanilla pudding mix (you mix it with the pineapple before adding anything else to the bowl) hubby loved it so fingers crossed that it is a hit! Thank you for sharing this! (and I found you via pinterest as well :) and I'm already planning on making this for my upcoming family reunion later this month, but I'm thinking of toying with blueberry pie filling!
Thank you so much for this recipe! I made it this past weekend and it was a huge hit! as a person living with Celiac I'm always looking for new fun gluten-free desserts! YUM!
We have something like this. We call it pink stuff. Mom calls it jello salad. It is made with creme cheese, strawberry banana jello\, cool whip, bananas, crushed pineapple, and black walnuts. I'm going to try your recipe because it looks and sounds delish. Thanks.
Thanks for the recipe! I made it last week and my family loved it so much they made me make another bowl tonight! It's soooo good!!
I just made this and like someone above, had to taste! It's soooo good!!! Normally I don't like nuts in things, only on their own, but I love this with the chopped pecans! Thank you for the recipe, I'm absolutely making this again!!
P.S. I LOVE Pinterest!
Love reading all the names everyone has for this salad...this is a family favorite of ours at holidays as well...and we call it Pink Stuff!
We call this Christmas Salad in my family.
Holy Bejeezus. This looks like ambrosia!!! (I know there is another salad out there CALLED seems that it is just an imitation when faced with CHERRY DELICIOUS YUMMMMM!!!!!)
My family always adds the 8 ounces of cream cheese and cup of powdered sugar creamed with the cool whip...then we freeze it in cupcake papers for individual servings. It will keep for at least 3 months in the freezer...if you have it that long! It's also a favorite to serve at showers.
That's my moms recipe. We have always called it cherries in the snow. We never have leftovers when we make it.
I've made a similar dish for years. It's always a hit at family dinners. Instead of using cherriy pie filling , though, I use a can of whole cranberry sauce and freeze it. It's very creamy, like ice cream.
I just made this and it's wonderful! Licked the bowl and spoon clean. Can't wait for it to chill a little bit.
Lick the spatula, lick the bowl check check!! Wow that's one tasty treat thanks for posting! I make a similar salad which I haven't posted yet but thought I'd share with you when you mix fruit with marshmallows and sour cream and let it sit it also makes the marshmallows melt! I cant wait to try your salad tomorrow and frozen! Yum!
I have only used strawberry. It is wonderful. We consider it a dessert tho.
I haven't had this in "forever", my mother in law use to make it every Thanksgiving. Think i'm gonna start my own tradition. Made it this weekend and it brings back so many past Thanksgivings. Thanks for posting the recipe.
Have made this so many times over the years, love it! The only difference is that I don't add marshmallows. Also, I have added a 16oz. container of cottage cheese a few times. It cuts the sweetness some and tastes yummy. I love it either way though.
It's probably served as an alternative to cranberry sauce. The savory dressing just pairs perfectly with a sweet/tart side.
I've always made the pistachio version and Looove it so I'm pumped to try it, literally making it right now
I have had something like this before. One version was with pistachios and the other had mandarin oranges. I am going to make this next week!
This was awesome, easy, and amazing! I just made this and used chopped pistachios as a substitute to pecans. Ate some and totally perfectO! :)
I will give you all the credit! It's delish!!! I will be making this often. Thank you for sharing. It's a new fav at our home and gatherings.
Wow! My aunt brought this every holiday. It's pretty cool to see someone else had that same tradition.
Thank you for this recipe. I also found your recipe on Pinterest. Absolutely moved to my new favorite salad. I just made it for the second time for my mom to take to her ladies luncheon. Oh and of course I had to make a double recipe because my husband would have freaked out lol if I did not make some for us.
We always have something similar, but it has cottage cheese in it.
Make this for every "special occasion". Love it. We call it "Pink Stuff'! I don't add the marshmallows, however.
I am making this and putting gummy worms on top for a Halloween card party ,,can't wait to see how the ladies like it ...
I have made this for years ... The only thing I do differently is to add 1/3. Cup lemon juice to the sweetened condensed milk .. And 3 drops red food coloring ...
And I put all ingredients in the fridge before I make so everything's cold ahead of time
Then I can serve it immediately if needed
But it's better chilled overnite
Hey thanks for a great recipe, I used cranberry cherry pie filling, so it would thanksgiving festive. It's cooling in the fridge as lol. And I'm going to bring the cool whip container so they can freeze some as I don't think we will finish it...that's a great tip by the way.
Thanks again and happy thanksgiving from Canada
I made a double batch last night,for our Church-shared lunch today,All I have to say is,,,Gone!!
I made my own Cool whip,as we don't have it in New Zealand supermarkets.So thumbs-up!!thanks for sharing.
This looks similar to a dish I make and then freeze in a 9 x 13 pan and cut into squares. I may try it that way.
I too was raised eating this with or turkey and ham. Have never seen anyone else who knew anything about it. I have one daughter who hates cherrys and would spit them out to eat the rest of it. I've made it a few times with strawberries for her but the rest of us like it better with cherries. If you want a couple less calories, you can also use evaporated milk instead out sweetened condensed milk. Now that my girls have been adults for good while, they make it but always have to ask how!
I just made this with blueberry pie filling and it is delicious! I had to have a bowl before I put it in the fridge. It's awesome and I will be making it for Thanksgiving. Thanks for the recipe!
This is pretty as well as yummy. I make it with a can of whole cranberry sauce in place of the cherry pie filling. And we freeze it as well. There is never any left when I take it to a gathering. I will definately have to try the cherry version.
My Mema made this also for every Thanksgiving and Christmas and it was also part of the meal, not a dessert! I grew up with this stuff. My Mema passed away a few years ago and I never got the recipe for it. THANK YOU for posting it on Pinterest!! I have the recipe now and can make it for my 3 kiddos every year!!!
In terms of posting a recipe as your own, the copyright of a recipe is in the directions, not the ingredients, so whether or not the ratios are the same is irrelevant. It's all in how the directions are written.
@WebDebSpider We too have used a recipe very similar to this. We call it "Gelatin Salad".
In ours we use:
1 can maraschino cherries, chopped-drained
1 can mandarin oranges, chopped-drained
1 can crushed pineapple-drained
1 package of jello, any flavor choice
1 container of cottage cheese
1 tub cool whip
Mix Cherries, pineapple, the mandarin oranges, cottage cheese and package of jello (still dry). Fold in cool whip and top with remaining Mandarin oranges. Refrigerate till chilled through, usually 3 hrs. This is best made the morning of an event as opposed to the day before. So yummy!
So good every new member of the family asks for the recipe.
@Debra Carraway
I've seen a lot of Jello salads - can't bring myself to try them. I like Jello mostly when I'm sick - maybe my mind recalls that and when I'm not - can't eat it?! lol!
I grew up on this stuff! We called it Cherry Supreme :)
I traditionally use a recipe for a fruit "salad" handed down in my hubby's family, for holidays and potlucks. It is called fudgy buttermilk salad, but my kids and I call it cookie salad. It is wonderful, but after finding this recipe on Pinterest...I might break tradition this Thanksgiving and make your salad instead. Just to see the reaction I get. Plus, it sounds wonderfully yummy.
I made this tonight just because I thought it looked so good! It is delicious and I don't want to only make it for holidays! Thanks for posting and glad I found you on Pinterest!
You guys are crazy. My wife just made this and wanted to get my opinion. HOLY COW! I'm just waiting for the sugar-induced coma to strike, and all I did was lick the spoon. I can't see anyone eating that as a side and asking for seconds. Adding a can of cherry pie filling to three tubs of cool whip on crack does not constitute a dish. Fruits and veggies people! I need to go drink a tall glass of water...
I cannot wait to try this. We usually have 3 jello and fruit type salads but I think this is definetly worth a spot on the dinner table. Thank you for posting it!
wat ಠ_ಠ
I am happy to know my family is not the only ones that make this dish. But we make it for BBQ's and we don't add marshmallows and use almonds instead of pecans
I pinned this recipe in early September and I've been so excited to try it for thanksgiving! I made some today for an early treat and oh goodness it's DELICIOUS! Thank you so much for sharing this. :)
I am making this for our Thanksgiving dinner! Thanks for a fast and easy recipe that even my child can enjoy to make with me! Happy Holidays!
Yu! It was so good!
We used to always have a variation of this at holiday dinners - it's a southern thing I thought. Just made it and this version is delish!!!
In our family this is a desert and we call ours "Frozen Delight". We freeze ours and the kid's love it, my daughter who has texture issues with food loves it.
Strawberry and peach are both great.
When I got married in 1980, I found found my husband had a hand-written cookbook from his mother with this recipe in it -- minus the marshmallows. She called it Cherry-O-Salad. I've been relying on it for potlucks ever since.
Lately I've made one change. I omit the pecans and, for crunch (and yummyness), I chop into 1/8-inch straws a bar or two of 70% dark chocolate.
How many servings can you get from this recipe? I'd like to make it for a baby shower. There will be about 25 people.
Could I use Marshmallow fluff instead of the
I just finally tried this recipe. I have grown up with all types of "fruit salads" as we call them. And every woman in my family has a different way of making them. Usually served as dessert at birthdays or family gathering with cake on the side. I hope everyone enjoys this recipe tomorrow at my daughters birthday party....i sure did like it!
I'm not sure how many servings are in this recipe. It really is based on how much cool whip you add. If you want to have more cool whip and less fruit/marshmallow ratio, you can add more cool whip. I think if each person has 1/2 cup approx. - you should be safe for 20 people. It's very rich!
I don't think Marshmallow fluff is going to work here. The marshmallows actually soak up a lot of the liquids and become very soft. Fluff is just gooey and not the same.
You can make these Fluffernutter balls though with your fluff!
I grew up with Watergate Salad...similar but pistachio pudding instead of cherries. All the other ingredients are generally the same. Have never tried the cherry version, but sounds oh so yummy. It's on my to-do list now. I have a few events to make for with the holidays coming up. And I may even try freezing it for a different texture. BTW - I found you from Pinterest. :)
My Grandma always made a version of this with pistachio pudding instead of the cherry pie filling. Looked forward to this every holiday dinner. We call it "dump salad."
I make a similar fruit salad. One year at Christmas, I forgot to buy mini-marshmallows, but a had a bag that was pretty dried out. There was no time to go to the store so I used the dried ones. They absorbed any excess moisture and fluffed up.
In our family it's known as "moldy marshmallow stuff"
I can't tell you how yummy this was!I left out the pineapple. I made this for Thanksgiving and made it again just because :)!! I will make it for Christmas too. Love it. Thank you for sharing!!
I have made with Jello brand pistachio instant pudding and it disappears within mins. It's original name is Whitehouse Salad. I am going to serve this version also on our dessert buffet.
This may be a really silly question, but should the cool whip be thawed?
Totally not a silly question - it will be easier to stir and mix all the ingredients together if it is at least 50% thawed. It will soften quickly with the other "warmer" ingredients (since they were not frozen or refrigerated). I keep my containers and immediately refreeze one or two containers full - for later (yum!). Because you are not having to forcefully mix everything - you won't crush all the yummy cherries! Be sure not to over mix and take all the fluffy air out of the cool whip too! Enjoy! & Merry Christmas! -kg
This recipe has been in our family for ages too! We call it Company Salad, and partially freeze it before serving (just so it's really, really cold and kind of firm). Soooo good! This is the first time I've ever seen it anywhere else.
I plan to make this & bring it for Christmas eve!
I've had something similar... Looking forward to trying this!
Yes frozen delight with mandarian oranges
So yummy! I just made this never tasted it before!
use strawberry all the time cuz my kid doesn't like cherries... works just as well, tastes soooo yummy... great for holidays and to take to office food days, everyone loves it. never tried blueberry but assume it would be just fine.
I made this for Christmas dinner and it was such a hit!! I will make it for more family get togethers....
Ok this looks great - I was thinking of using it more like a dip - wondering if anyone has used it that way, and if so, what you dipped with. Thinking of Nilla Wafers or Pretzel dipping sticks (salty/sweet)? Anyone have experience with that or an opinion??
Thank you for sharing this recipe! I made this tonight for tomorrow's NYE party, and my roommate and I nomnomnomed the spoon and mixing bowl right up! It's like crack.
Just made this and we all really enjoyed it. I used the colored marshmallows. I had to taste it today, but am waiting until tomorrow since the post says it's better the next day. I didn't put the pecans in because I knew the kids wouldn't like it, and truthfully I didn't think they'd be good since they would get soft, but I added some chopped pecans to the top of mine and loved the flavor and crunch they added. Thanks for the recipe... can't wait to try the variations. I am not fond of the cherries.
I've never used it as a dip...I'm sure Nilla Wafers would taste mighty fine though! Yum!
@Jennifer @ The Bawdy Book Blog
I totally agree - and so does my mom! It's cherry crack! LOL!
Thanks for the comment! - kg
Just curious -- can you make this without the pineapple? I'm allergic (but also gluten-free, so I'm psyched to try this!)
You can Absolutely make this without Pineapple! My friend is allergic also - it really won't change the cherry crack status - you'll love it! -kg
My mother made a recipe similar to this. We called it Frozen Fruit Salad. We ate it as a dessert. Love this and your post brought back great family memories.
Just made this. One word= Yummmmmmo!
We have this for thanksgiving and christmas just like you...right next to our turkey and stuffing..but my grandma always called it Million Dollar it!!!
Wow, your recipe sounds WAY better than this one! Not so sickeningly sweet.
This freezes well. I love to keep it in my freezer for company, or a treat when I don't have a lot of time to fix something!
I made this today and had to put it in the fridge and walk away. LOL I was eating it out of the bowl as I was mixing. Thank you for something that is so easy and is going to go very well with valentine dinner, this evening.
@Karen Phillips-Barrick
Walking away is a good skill to learn and very important to master! lol! What a great PINK treat to have for dinner tonight! Enjoy! -kg
That sounds like a different salad, totally. Like watergate. The cherry one gets a bit sweet for me. I've made it so much for funeral luncheons, when I make it I barely can even taste it! But everybody loves it!
Yes! Makes it fluffier
I make this with a drained can of chunk pineapple instead of crushed. Mine doesn't have the mini-marshmellows...but i'm going to add them next time
I just made this and added some toasted coconut and pecan mixture I had left over from some cupcakes, goes it a little tropical feel, this stuff is Awesome!
Oh my gosh! We have had this recipe in my family for generations -- we call it "Pink Stuff" (our grandmas must have seen the same recipe!) We don't use mini-marshmallows and we add 1/2 cup of lemon juice, but we also have it at every big holiday. SO DELICIOUS!!
So I've had this pinned for a while and have tried it several ways since then. My husband is a key lime fanatic, so the first time I used Key Lime pie filling, it was AH-MAZING. Second time we used strawberry pie filling with fresh crushed up bananas, also exceptional, pretty sure the sky is the limit for combinations of the recipe. Next I'll be working on a peach variation for my Mom. Can't wait!
Every Christmas we had this @ Grandmother's house. Dad calls it Pink Cement !! And it is oh so yummy :)
Yummi! I can't wait to try this!
Made this for Easter 2013 and my family LOVED it. Will be a new tradition in our house. Thanks for sharing!
Made this for my family Easter Dinner and it is so yummy. Everyone loved it. Thank you for sharing. I will be making this one again. :)
I made it for Easter & am going to make it again to take camping for Memorial Wknd. The kids LOVE it. Thanks!
That's a great idea! I"m so glad you like it! If it's hot where you are - I would freeze it so it stays colder a little longer! The ice cream effect is just as yummy! Enjoy! -kg
Just found this and tried it and could have eaten the whole bowl myself!! I just made another batch using strawberry pie filling and my husband is drooling saying he can't possibly wait until tomorrow. I did put a little in the freezer to try. Thanks so much for the recipe! I love this stuff from the 70's.
Thanks for the comment Brenda - Strawberry is my next round. I tried blueberry and still love cherry better! lol! Enjoy!
Just tried this recipe! It was really yummy and kid friendly! It only took my kiddos 2 days to eat it all! :)
I made this, added marachinno cherries and frozen cherries. Ssoooooo sweet but good
I saw this on pinterest but my family has been making this stuff for years as well! I've never been a fan but the rest of my family eats it all the time. It's a great side to bring to a pot luck. People will look at you funny but they always end up eating every last drop. :)
So glad to see this posted. Growing up this was always on our holiday tables my husband thought we were weird!
Can this be made with cherry gelatin added? I once knew someone that made it and I think they added cherry gelatin. Not 100% sure though.
Just made this for thanksgiving, its fantastic! cannot wait for people to try it tomorrow. been dying to try this for ages
Found this on pintrest and I'm so excited! Just made my first batch for Thanksgiving tonight! Thanks for posting! - Kiran
I've never made it with gelatin. I think others have - or even pudding, but the recipe above is the only way I've made it. (except now I've tried it with blueberry pie mix instead - not my favorite though. love my cherries)! -kg
Addictive right? Hope you enjoy it for years to come! -kg
Hi Kiran, so glad you made some - don't forget you can freeze some left overs and save it for another time! Enjoy! -kg
I tweaked this by using apple pie filling, not completely draining the pineapple, adding a small box of instant french vanilla pudding along with the evaporated milk, cool whip, and marshmallows. My family loved it.
I made cherry salad over Xmas for the first time. sadly, I didn't enjoy it because it was way to sweet for me. I am going to put the leftovers in a Graham cracker crust and throw some nuts on top.
Add a few crushed Oreo cookies.
This is remarkably like one of our favorite (but neither of us grew up with it) Thanksgiving recipes. We call it Cranberry Fluffy Stuff because I've never heard a name for the recipe. Same recipe except instead of the cherry pie filling it calls for a can of whole berry cranberry sauce, and no mini-mallows. The only other difference is that once everything is folded together it gets popped in the freezer, then comes out 20-30 min before serving time. And, like yours - ours is right on the table with dinner. We try to do it again at Christmas as well. YUMMY stuff! :D
Thanks for your comment. I just wanted to take a moment to say that I've never said this whole idea of this recipe was "my own" or claim it as such. A couple of years after posting this recipe, I found not just one site, but a few sites that literally copied my recipe and instructions and posted it as their own (pictures included). These are my words, my recipe as I know it from my family. I have had other blog posts copied and I say the same thing. I even state that I am aware this is not "and original" recipe. Happy thanksgiving.
I remember pinning this on pinterest back in Sep. 2012 and this will be my 3rd thanksgiving preparing it (I actually went and got the ingredients last night!). It's always so fun to make and that alone has made it a tradition. It it so yummy and the only tweak I make is omitting the pecans.. but I follow the rest to a t and it's perfect. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. Have a wonderful thanksgiving. :)
Hi Lindsey -
Thanks so much for sharing! I love that you have made cherry salad a tradition in your home! Don't forget to lick the spoon. lol. Happy Thanksgiving!
I use a recipe very much like this one! Instead of cherry pie filling, I use jelled cranberries and I add holiday grapes. If you mix up the cranberries and Cool Whip, you get the same pink color! So yummy! And yes, we serve it with dinner as well.
I was a little nervous making the "Cherry Salad" for Our 1st Christmas Dinner, was Delicious! I know exactly what You are talking about licking the spoon! YUMMY! I will defiantly be making this again...
Great recipe! ! Thanks for sharing!!!
how many servings does this make? is it safe to double the recipe and get same results?
Grandma also added some roasted coconut to it - Love it!
I haven't done the math to determine the serving size. You can double it for sure - but I would add another can of Cherry pie filling just to be sure you get more cherries per serving. Sometimes I wish the cherry pie filling cans were just a tad bigger. I don't always want just one can, and don't want two...but 1 1/2 would be perfect! lol
@jennerThat's exactly what I was wondering. I'm not a marshmallow fan. That's for the substitute! :)
The best part – it’s quick and easy :)
I have always known this as "Cherry Yum Yum," as it was introduced to me, when I was 5 years, old by a neighbor from Georgia. Her recipe was a little different. It called for pineapple tidbits instead of crushed pineapple and it didn't call for sweetened condensed milk or miniature marshmallows. I have been making it her way for years. Still delicious and a favorite among family and friends! I imagine these additional ingredients make it much sweeter and richer. :-) I may have to give it a try.
I am not sure why you say it HAS to be served with dinner. I have made this for years as a dessert and all my family and friends call it "Pink fluff". I add marshmallows close to serving time so they don't melt in and another option is sliced bananas. YUMMY I have done it with blueberry filling too and it was delish.
Hi Renee - in our family that's the way it was - no one wanted to wait until dessert to have it - so it HAD to be served with dinner. It was just a fun tradition.
Could you serve this right away? Or does it really need to be refrigerated first? I was thinking of using it for our baseball picnic and would just make it when we needed so I wouldn't have to store it in the cooler.
You can totally eat it right away - but the marshmallows won't be the same. They need to have time to asorb all the yummy goodness so they can melt in your mouth. Otherwise they are still marshmallows.
I made this with homemade whipped cream(my 5 year olds new favorite thing to make because it's easy and yummy).
It didn't turn out as red as the one you have pictured. But it's in the fridge right now, we are going to eat it tomorrow. Tanner tried it(the only way he will eat anything new is if we tell him he is our taste tester and we need to make sure things taste right, other wise is the pickiest eater). He said the cherries were too tart, but the marshmallows were yummy, but the "white fully stuff" was the best and that he would make it for me again next time if I get the stuff out for him. lol
I make it with all different kinds of pie filling. Depending on the type, I will sub in mandarin oranges for the pineapple. I have one in the fridge right now made with apple pie filling and caramel flavored sweetened condensed milk.
I found this same recipe handwritten in my moms cookbook. It's titled Mom's Marshmallow Fuit Salad. I never was fortunate enough to have any because it also includes coconut, to which I have a sever allergy. I am going to have to make it without the coconut and try it now.
We call it Pink Cloud. It's very rich, but very yummy!
My husband is going to love this with a few lower carb changes because he is diabetic. Sweetened condensed milk & pie filling are both available that way.
As a kid my aunt made this every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and she passed it on to my mom who passed it on to me, and my family LOVES it. So weird to see it on Pinterest, I have never met anyone who has ever had the recipe but me.....glad so many people love it!!!!
Sounds good
We also call it Pink Cloud but we use cream cheese instead of condensed milk and maraschino cherries instead of pie filling.
This is the exact recipe my grandmother used and we always called pink stuff. Our family loves this with dinner as well!
Yes try blackberry or peach very good also try strawberry good also
I started making this about 5 years ago after I first found this on pinterest. I didn't make it last year and I really had no intentions of making it this Thanksgiving.. but going through my pins this morning and remembering just how delicious this was... I'm making it. If you haven't tried this, I highly suggest it. I'm not someone that can have this on my plate next to turkey, potatoes, etc, but it goes just as amazing next to a slice of pie! I'm suddenly very excited for thanksgiving lol! Thank you again for posting this. I almost want to try a different filling flavor, but let's be honest... nothing beats cherry. ;) Happy early thanksgiving, enjoy your cherry fluff!
I made this with home made whipped cream(my five yr olds new favourite issue to make due to the fact it is clean and yummy).It failed to flip out as pink as the only you've got got pictured. But it is withinside the refrigerator proper now, we're going to devour it tomorrow. Tanner attempted it(the simplest manner he'll devour whatever new is that if we inform him he's our flavor tester and we want to ensure matters flavor proper, different smart is the pickiest eater). He stated the cherries had been too tart, however the marshmallows had been yummy, however the "white absolutely stuff" become the pleasant and that he could make it for me once more subsequent time if I get the stuff out for him. lol
Did your mom get it from the Betty Crocket cookbook?
I remember my mom and grandma using that cookbook and tweaking recipes for what we had on hand. This was one of those types of recipes. I wonder how many original recipes there really are anymore. Sounds delicious. Ours was yum, too. No pineapple, though. Thanks.
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