Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Me & My Peeps Blog Hop and a little Phoomph

You know you've signed up for a blog hop with Laura Kelly, when you start getting Me & My Peeps decals, buttons from  Buttons Galore and More, poems, love notes, personalized tags, and awesome sparkle bubble gum in your mailbox! I recently did another blog hop with Laura's Patriotic Fabric and had a lot of fun thinking outside of the box. I love being given something and being told "here you go - do something...anything". I love that freedom and also love the challenge.

For the Me and My Peeps blog hop, I decided to make a little home decor wall hanging. It's really easy and there's not too much in way of supplies.

You'll need:
The Me & My Peeps decals from Plaid
Laura's Buttons Galore and More Button Mix
Phoomph from Coats & Clark
Westcott Titanium Scissors cut the phoomph without leaving a residue!
Clear fishing line
Scraps of fabric
Pattern paper or Tracing paper
Tree branch from outside or some stick
Cotton Yarn (optional)

What you do:

Decide on the decals you want to use. You can combine a person with some of the accessories no problem - just make sure you decide that ahead of time. Where ever you want a piece of fabric to show, use a piece of tracing paper and trace the part of that image. Flip it over onto the fabric and cut the fabric piece out (you have to flip it so the finished side of the fabric is showing when finished). Peel back the sticky paper attached to the decal, and lay the fabric piece onto the decal, right side down.

Lay the decal face down onto the phoomph after you peel the paper off one side only. Then peel the sticky side of the decal paper off the top of the phoomph. Because both of these pieces are sticky, you'll see it peel some of extra adhesive off the phoomph, but it's ok, because that part will be cut away.

After cutting out the entire shape of your Me and My Peep decal on the phoomph, peel off the back paper side of the phoomph, place a piece of knotted fishing line to the top back of the head, and then lay it down onto the wrong side of your piece of fabric. Cut out the whole shape of your peep again, making sure not to cut the fishing line. 

Make as many peeps as you want, add pets, add friends, and you can even add the grill for the grill master!

To make your button strands, thread the fishing line through two button holes. The buttons will still be moveable and adjustable, but will still naturally hang in the place you put them. If you don't want them to move at all, thread them, and then loop it through again.

When you are finished threading your buttons, tie it to your branch or stick. If you want to spruce up your branch, as I have done, you can get some simple (and awesome) cotton yarn, and simply do a chinese spiral staircase along the whole branch or just sections if you wish.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. If you'd like to win an awesome goody bag from Laura Kelly and these amazing sponsors, please enter the rafflecopter giveaway here...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

There were 20 designers included in this blog hop, that will go on throughout the week. Check out their designs too for some other fun crafts and ideas! You can find a full list on the Me & My Peeps Website or see the other bloggers that posted today...

Thank you to Laura and her co-host Niki for including me in the blog hop, for the cute decals, buttons and awesome goodies from so many great manufacturers!

Have a great day all!

Although I was given free product, the opinions set forth in this post, are my own. This tutorial is shared with you in the hopes that you will learn a new fun craft. Please do not use my tutorials for your own gain. Please do not use my photos without permission and please do not retake any photos to remake the tutorial for your own blog or another company or in another language. These photos and the text are copyright protected. If you'd like to "Pin" the one finished project photo, please credit me by using "#kidgiddy". Thank you for your cooperation.
Special thanks to our Sponsors and Promoting Partners


Anonymous said... [Reply]

I think this is so neato, so creative and well...just so much fun. You never fail to amaze me with the way you put things together to create magic. xoxo

Char (DollDiaries) said... [Reply]

That is absolutely awesome! I love the fabric touches you added. So much fun.

Allie Gower said... [Reply]

This is so creative and fun. I love Phoomph. I love what you've done. LOVE!

Montse said... [Reply]

I like a lot your blog!!! You have really nice ideas and works. Thank you to share it. Since now i’m following you. A lot of kisses from Barcelona. Montse of lesmiliunaidees.blogspot.com

mnoble said... [Reply]

Very cute project! Just a note that on the giveaway, the pin the picture option isn't coming up with a picture to pin & pinterest doesn't like it, I've tried.

Jen Goode said... [Reply]

What a super cute idea! I love all the colors and hanging from a stick is a fabulous idea! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity :D

Laura Bray said... [Reply]

Very cute. I love the idea of using the decals on fabric.

Scrappy Chick said... [Reply]

This is just too cute! Love the buttons hanging down!

Holly Gagnon said... [Reply]

Great idea to use the Poomph! The colors look fab! Holly :-)

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